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Courier partner did not pick order due to LBH constraint or size constraint

digitalsunilsah Changed status to publish June 20, 2022

If a Flipkart Courier partner has rejected pick up of your order due to high ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ constraint then please follow the following steps:

Identify if the order shipment is single or multi Item:

 If it is multi, please identify the SKU/FSNs which are part of the order shipment. Search these SKU/FSNs on the My Listings page and check the ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ entered by you

  • If this ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ entered by you is correct, then please contact Seller Support.
  • If this ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ entered by you is NOT correct, please correct it immediately. The impacted order shipment will automatically be seller cancelled as this got reserved because you (or your employee) entered the wrong ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ on the My Listings page.

Please note: If while entering the correct ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ for the listing, you get a non-error – contact Seller Support to get to some other Logistic partner.

 If it is single, please identify the SKU/FSN of the order shipment. Search these SKU/FSNs on the My Listings page and check the ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ entered by you

  • If this ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ entered by you is correct, then please contact Seller Support.
  • If this ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ entered by you is NOT correct, please correct it immediately. The impacted order shipment will automatically be seller cancelled as this got reserved because you (or your employee) entered the wrong ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ in the My Listings page.

Please note: If while entering the correct ‘Length, Breadth and Height’ for the listing, you get a non-error – contact Seller Support to get to some other logistic partner.

digitalsunilsah Changed status to publish June 20, 2022