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I want to know who cancelled the order and reason for cancellation

digitalsunilsah Changed status to publish June 20, 2022

Flipkart Orders can be cancelled in multiple scenarios. Order cancellation can be bifurcated into:

  1. Buyer Cancellation – When the buyer cancels the order from their end.
  2. Marketplace Cancellation – When the order is cancelled by us for any unforeseen reasons.
  3. Seller Cancellation – When the order is cancelled by your end, or you have to mark RTD to the order, or when the shipment is missed to hand over when attempting for pickup.

The quickest way to find the order cancellation reason is through the seller portal by following the below steps:

Step 1: Log in to Seller Portal.

Step 2: Click on ‘Orders’ and select ‘Cancellations’.

Step 3: Enter the Order ID and find the ‘Cancellation Type’.

digitalsunilsah Changed status to publish June 20, 2022