Meesho RTO Assurance Program T&C


The RTO Assurance Program is an offering to certain Meesho sellers to help Meesho’s Sellers better  manage their courier returns (RTOs) in a particular month. Courier Returns or RTOs, under this Program  means those returns which happen without the Customer having raised a specific ‘return’ request on  the Meesho portal.  

These terms and conditions (“T&Cs”) are applicable to the RTO Assurance Program (“Program”) on the  Meesho platform. Pursuant to your agreement with Fashnear Technologies Private  Limited (“Meesho/us”), eligible suppliers of Meesho (“Suppliers/you”), have the option to participate  in this Program.  

1. You agree that by participating in this Program, you are bound by these T&Cs.  

2. You understand and agree that the assurance under this Program is applicable only for Courier/  RTO returns and only to the extent as communicated by Meesho. This Program is not for any other  type of returns including Customer Returns. “Customer Returns” shall mean only those product  returns which have happened solely at the behest of the customer.  

3. For eligible Sellers who have signed up for this Program, Meesho shall communicate the maximum  RTO Returns percentage (“RTO Returns Limit”) for the respective period i.e., the month for which  seller has opted-in to the program. The RTO Returns Limit is calculated as the actual RTO returns  percentage for the month/s preceding the respective period, running a 15th to 14th calendar cycle.  (For instance, for the respective period to be May, the capped RTO return % will be actual RTO return % of orders delivered between 15th March and 14th April).  

4. For any RTO Returns beyond the RTO Returns Limit, Meesho shall pay the Supplier, to the extent  communicated by Meesho. Meesho provides no other indemnity under this Program except what  is specifically provided for, under this Program.  

5. In case where the RTO returns are lower or equal to the RTO Returns Limit, then no payouts shall  be made under this Program.  

6. You agree that the percentage over which assurance is provided by Meesho under the Program is  dynamic and is subject to change, on a monthly basis, depending on the percentage of the RTO returns in the preceding month, running a cycle of 15th to 14th calendar days, as explained in Sl.  No. 3. 

7. The manner to opt-in and opt-out of this Program shall be as communicated to you from time to  time by Meesho, through emails, SMS, WhatsApp or any other means adopted by Meesho for  communication. Your participation in the Program is at your sole discretion, subject to satisfying  the eligibility criteria that Meesho may specify from time to time, including cut-off dates and such  other conditions as specified and communicated by Meesho.  

8. You agree that in order to sign-in/ opt-in for this Program, you will have to incur an opt-in fee  (“Fee”) which is a percentage of the Seller’s sales value for the respective month. Opt-in fee will  be charged on the entire value of orders delivered (excluding both, Customer returns and RTO returns) for the respective month. For clarity, if the Seller opts in for March, then the fee payable  is a percentage of the sales value for the orders delivered in the month of March. “Sales value”  shall mean sales revenue (including GST), as reflecting on the Supplier Panel, for the respective 

calendar month. You understand and agree that the Fee varies month on month, based on your  sales for the respective month and you shall be liable to pay the Fees for all the months during  which you opt-in for the Program. No claims maybe made against Meesho in respect to such Fee  payable or paid by you to opt-in for the Program.  

9. You understand and agree that Meesho reserves the right, in its absolute discretion, to specify  and modify the manner in which the Fee is calculated, including based on a Seller’s RTO return 

Version date: 18.02.2023 

behavior on the Meesho platform. You understand and agree that the offering under this Program  is not in the nature of insurance. 

10. You understand and agree that Meesho reserves the right to disqualify and/or any take any  necessary action in cases where there is any suspicious or fraudulent behavior displayed by the  Supplier. 

11. Meesho further reserves the right to withhold any payments due to the Supplier in cases where  there is any suspicious or fraudulent behavior displayed by the Supplier.  

12. Once you opt-in to participate in the Program, your right to opt-out is only available until the cut off date for the relevant Period, as specified by Meesho.  

13. You also understand and agree that the RTO Returns Limit and the opt-in fee provided under this  Program may vary between Suppliers, depending on factors including their respective RTO limits.  

14. You understand and agree that the T&Cs under this Program may vary during the period for which  you have opted for the Program. Meesho reserves the rights to change these T&Cs, including,  modifying, extending, withdrawing or discontinuing the same without notice, without assigning  any reason, at its sole discretion, without any liability. 

15. You understand and agree that for any communications to be made by Meesho under this  Program, Meesho may choose to communicate through calls, emails, SMS, WhatsApp or any other  means adopted by Meesho for communication with the Suppliers and it is your responsibility to  track and respond to these communications in a timely fashion. 

16. These T&Cs will govern your participation in the Program, in addition to the supplier agreement,  Meesho’s legal policies and any other document as may be binding on you.  

17. All disputes arising in relation to the Program and these T&Cs are subject to exclusive jurisdiction  of the competent courts in Bangalore only.

Version date: 18.02.2023 


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