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Flipkart has recently removed the Smart Fulfillment option, so what will be the criteria for F Assures for those sellers who have been deboarded/removed from Smart Fulfillment

digitalsunilsah Changed status to publish June 20, 2022

Flipkart has decided to discontinue our smart fulfilment process with a motive to enhance your selling experience so that you can reap maximum benefits.

Please check the new reliability criteria for sellers as per smart deboarding:

Criteria Old Sellers (more than 90 days ) New Sellers (less than 90 days)
Weekly-off The seller should be ready to either work on all 7 days or become multizonal. The seller should be ready to either work on all 7 days or become multizonal.
RTD Breach The RTD beach should be less than 0.85% (For the last 30 days). The RTD breach should be less than 1% (For the last 90 days)
Seller Cancellation Seller cancellation should be less than 0.15% (For the last 30 days). Seller cancellation should be less than 0.15% (For the last 90 days).
Reattempt rate Reattempt should be less than 3% (For the last 30 days). Reattempt should be less than 3% (For the last 90 days).
Units Sold Units Sold Cumulative >=50 Units or GMV(Gross Merchandise Value) >=Rs 50,000


Listing level criteria:

  1. The seller has to meet the above-mentioned seller-level metrics.
  2. The procurement type should be ‘Express’
  3. The ratings should be ‘Good’.
  4. There should be minimum returns.

Your cost of doing business with Flipkart will drastically reduce as:

  1. You will no longer need to incur any manpower to process your orders one by one.
  2. A lot of your time will be saved as you won’t need to inward your listings into smart additionally after declaring the inventory for Flipkart.
  3. This will help you save the rent of additional spaces that you would have dedicatedly taken for Flipkart inventory to fulfil only Flipkart customers.
  4. Savings on investment into third-party software to fulfil your orders.

Note: Please take into consideration that the decommissioning from smart to the new program construct will be done by August 01, 2022, in a phased manner. Post that, an evaluation will be done and only the sellers who have maintained the above metrics will continue to receive the benefits of FAssured (to be known as F Plus) badge.

digitalsunilsah Changed status to publish June 20, 2022