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My orders could not be picked up due to bar code scanning issue.

digitalsunilsah Changed status to publish June 20, 2022

When your orders could not be picked up due to a flipkart barcode scanning issue, please be sure that the shipping label is not scrambled, not faded or not in bad resolution.

If the shipment label is not legible, please reprint the ‘Shipping Label’ for this order from the “Pending Handover” tab. Ensure that the ‘Label’ and ‘Invoice’ pdf are printed on an A4 size page and the printer has enough toner. Use this freshly printed ‘Shipping Label’ and replace the old one pasted on the packed order shipment.

This might lead to a re-attempt breach getting marked against your order shipment. Please follow the ‘Shipping Label’ printing guidelines to avoid this in the future.

If you still have further concerns on this issue, please reach out to Seller Support by clicking on “No, Create Seller Support Ticket” with the “Images of Printed Label” for Quick Resolution

digitalsunilsah Changed status to publish June 20, 2022
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