Meesho Seller Anti Phishing Policy

The Anti Phishing Policy written below is what is mentioned on the Meesho Supplier Panel. Find it under the Settings tab.


We have noticed that there have been several incidents where Meesho’s name is misused to collect personal information as well as to cheat and mislead the customers. Please note that such incidents are a scam and must be immediately reported to us at

BEWARE of such frauds and phishing activities and by following these steps you can identify and safeguard yourself from such scamsters:

a) Be vigilant. Please do not divulge any personal or sensitive data including bank details such as OTP, UPI/ATM PIN, CVV or credit/debit card details to anyone claiming to be a Meesho’s representative.

b) Ensure that you do not click on any suspicious links or any unauthorized web portals or social media posts.

c) Watch out for any suspicious calls, fake messages, unsolicited or spam e-mails and any communication sent to you by the unauthorized person(s) asking you to share any personal information malafidely under the pretext of processing refund claims, soliciting to participate in any unauthorized offers, lotteries, contests or scheme or asking for payment of money for such participation or to receive any award thereof or offering any job opportunity.

d) Avoid paying any money or deposit funds to any person wrongfully claiming to be Meesho’s representative or job consultant(s). Neither Meesho nor any of it’s representative or authorized recruitment consultants take money or any other kind of payment for jobs.

e) Report any incident which you believe to be fake or misleading, immediately to us to stay safe from such fraud or phishing.

f) Ensure that you transact with us using the authorized channels of Meesho including it’s platform, approved social media pages or valid and genuine contact details to keep yourselves safe and secure from such fraud or phishing.

We are concerned about the security of your online transactions with us and always strive to keep a safe and secure user experience for you. In case of any queries please reach out to us at


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