Trademark Class 37 is one of the 45 classes used in the Nice Classification (NCL) to categorize goods and services for trademark registration purposes. This class relates to services related to construction, repair, and installation.
Trademark Class 37 includes a wide range of services, such as building construction, repair and maintenance of various structures and equipment, installation of machinery and systems, and services related to mining, drilling, and demolition.
Here are some of the services covered under Trademark Class 37:
- Building construction
- Repair and maintenance services for buildings, roads, vehicles, and machinery
- Installation services for machinery, equipment, and systems
- Mining extraction and drilling services
- Rental services for construction equipment and machinery
- Demolition services
- Cleaning services for buildings, roads, and vehicles
- Maintenance services for vehicles and machinery
- Services related to agricultural and horticultural activities
- Farm services
- Agricultural equipment rental

If your business offers any of these services or other related services, you should consider registering under Trademark Class 37 to protect your brand identity in this specific field of construction, repair, and installation services.
List of all Services under Trademark Class 37
The list of Services under Trademark Class 37 (according to the Nice Classification) includes:
- Building Construction
- Construction of residential buildings
- Construction of commercial buildings
- Construction of industrial buildings
- Construction of agricultural buildings
- Construction of bridges
- Construction of roads
- Construction of highways
- Construction of tunnels
- Construction of dams

- Repair services
- Repair and maintenance of buildings and structures
- Repair and maintenance of roads and highways
- Repair and maintenance of machinery and equipment
- Repair and maintenance of vehicles

- Installation services
- Installation of machinery and equipment
- Installation of industrial equipment
- Installation of electrical systems
- Installation of heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems
- Installation of solar panels and renewable energy systems

- Mining extraction and drilling services
- Mining extraction services
- Oil and gas drilling services
- Rental services for construction equipment and machinery
- Rental of cranes
- Rental of excavators
- Rental of bulldozers
- Rental of scaffolding
- Demolition services
- Demolition of buildings and structures
- Cleaning services for buildings, roads, and vehicles
- Cleaning of buildings and premises
- Street cleaning services
- Vehicle cleaning and detailing services

- Maintenance services for vehicles and machinery
- Vehicle maintenance and repair services
- Machinery maintenance and repair services
- Services for agricultural and horticultural activities
- Farm services
- Agricultural equipment rental