List of all Services under Trademark Class 45
Trademark Class 45 Trademark Class 17 is one of the 45 Trademark Class List as per the NICE classification for a trademark in India. If you're a business owner, freelancer, or entrepreneur…
Trademark Class 45 Trademark Class 17 is one of the 45 Trademark Class List as per the NICE classification for a trademark in India. If you're a business owner, freelancer, or entrepreneur…
In India, trademarks are classified into 45 different classes according to the Nice Classification system. Each class under the Trademark Class List represents a specific category of goods or services…
Seller Assurance for E-commerce Transactions (SAFE-T) provides sellers with the opportunity to seek compensation from Amazon for financial losses incurred as a result of issues related to the Easy Ship,…
Trademark Class 15 in India includes services related to Musical Instruments. This class covers various goods related to music in particular mechanical pianos and their accessories, musical boxes, and both…
Creating a digital planner to sell on Etsy can be a great way to monetize your creativity and provide value to customers. Selling digital planners on Etsy had significant potential…
Trademark Class 37 is one of the 45 classes used in the Nice Classification (NCL) to categorize goods and services for trademark registration purposes. This class relates to services related…
Trademark Class 24 primarily covers goods related to textiles and textile goods. If your business involves the production, manufacturing, distribution, or sale of products made from textiles or fabrics, you…
Trademark Class 43 in India includes services related to providing food and drink accommodations. This class covers various services related to preparing and serving food and beverages, temporary accommodations, and…
In the dynamic world of printing technology, the HP 800 Printer stands as a powerful solution that delivers exceptional results for businesses. Designed with cutting-edge features and advanced capabilities, this…